
Top 6 Medical Records Insights

Medical Records Requests - Top 6 Insights

Facilitating medical records requests is a Value-Added Service that EMERGICON offers to its partners. The Medical Records Department is responsible for addressing attorneys, record retrieval companies, or citizens medical and billing records requisitions.

Each Medical Records Specialist embodies EMERGICON’s Texan Touch®, providing personalized and meticulous service. The team works directly with attorneys, record retrieval companies, or citizens needing access to their documents. Medical Records Specialists ensure that every request is compliant and presents a signed and dated HIPAA Authorization Form or subpoena. They embrace our mission of supporting first responders and dedicating their best to accomplish it.

As the Medical Records team works to assist our EMS partners, they offer valuable insights into the process. Here are the top six insights from our Medical Records team:

Top 6 Medical Records Requests Insights

  1. Patient Records: Ensure thorough documentation of patient encounters, with accurate details. All records must be signed and dated by appropriate personnel, usually the responsible healthcare provider.
  2. Standard Forms: Implementing standardized templates for forms provides consistency and uniformity across all medical records. This practice also ensures that all necessary data is captured and meets legal and industry-specific requirements.
  3. Record-Keeping System: Using a robust electronic health record (EHR) system to maintain patient records guarantees efficiency and reliability.
  4. Documentation Practices: Providing staff training on best practices for documentation avoids errors and omissions. Regularly conducting audits to review documentation records and identify common mistakes promotes completeness and accuracy.
  5. Patient Privacy: Following Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines assures compliance procedures, protects patient data, and safeguards patient health information (PHI).
  6. Medical Record Policies: Continuously evaluating and revising medical records policies, updating as necessary to reflect current laws and standard protocols, ensures ongoing compliance and efficiency.

For more information about EMERGICON’s Facilitating Medical Records Requests services, please contact our EMS & Client Hotline: 866-839-3671 |

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