
Who should pay for EMS services?

Who should pay for EMS services?

August 1, 2022

Now that we’ve established the common circumstances around paying for emergency medical services in blog 1 of this series, let’s take a step back and think about who should be paying the bill when you or your family has a medical emergency and receives care from an EMS crew. You are already paying into the […]


EMERGICON and EMERGIFIRE respond to the call for water

July 28, 2022

The past few weeks have been hot, dry, and dangerous across Texas. Many cities are enforcing burn bans and reminding their citizens to take precautions against starting grass fires. Local fire departments are stretched to the limits as they support each other to put out flames that threaten to consume land and threaten homes and […]

Chargemaster Vs Fee Bundling

Chargemaster versus Fee Bundling: Which Is Better for EMS Billing?

July 21, 2022

What Is a Chargemaster? A Chargemaster is a multi-page documents that list all the individual products and tasks, tools, and medications that are provided in an ambulance. In other words, there is a line item price for everything. For instance, if your ambulances carry two types of oxygen delivery methods, the chargemaster would list both […]

Why Surprise Medical Billing Is Really a Surprise

Why “Surprise Medical Billing” is really a surprise

July 15, 2022

“Surprise Medical Billing” has been a hot topic in Texas and around the country. Surprise medical billing occurs when a patient who has insurance receives care from an out-of-network provider and owes money out of pocket. This happens most often during surgeries or hospital stays when not all providers are in-network or during medical emergencies […]

Paying for Emergency Medical Services

Paying for Emergency Medical Services: Readiness versus Utilization

July 8, 2022

Is your city prepared for the financial realities of providing emergency medical services to the public? Find out the actual cost of saving lives in today’s economy.

Private Ambulance Service Vs Public Ambulance Service

Public Ambulance Agencies and Private Ambulance Agencies – What’s the difference?

July 1, 2022

When you’re running a city, you have a lot of things to think about. You have to ensure the safety of your citizens, maintain the budget, and address the concerns of everyone involved. Another area of responsibility is ensuring that the ambulance transportation service you use is ready to respond at all times. And that […]


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